Opening Day in San Diego

Today as this is being posted up is opening day for the 2019 MLB season and since we are in San Diego let me paint you a picture of how opening day is like here in San Diego. 7 am the smell of coffee, spring air and you hear the sound of baseball in the air. You start...

Woodstock turns 50

Ahoy me mateys Captain Cats here, and today we are going to talk about a generation definitive music festival that turns 50 later this year and its Woodstock. Woodstock was from August 15 till the 18 of 1969 and took place in on a 600-acre dairy farm in Bethel, New...

The World Wide Web turns 30

This week the World Wide Web (www for short) turn 30 and a lot has happened during those 30 years. Some good things that came out of the www in the past 30 years such as: The first webcam was broadcast back in 1991 AOL launched the first ever Instant Messenger with...