Ahoy Captain Cats here and today I’m going to have an interview with electronic music artist Golden Grey and this is how it went down.

Captain Cats:For people who don’t know who you are can you tell us a bit about yourself and who you are?

Golden Grey: I create and perform electronic music under the name, Golden Grey. Influenced by artists such as Tycho, Tennyson and Boards of Canada.

CC: How long have you been creating music and what made you get into the music that you do?

GG: I’ve been creating music in one form or another for approximately 18 years. I started by learning how to play,the acoustic, guitar in high school and grew from there. I discovered my passion for electronic soon after, I grew up, with artists such as The Crystal Method, Prodigy and Aphex Twin.

CC: How long have you been in the indie scene?

GG: I’ve been involved within the independent music scene since the beginning of 2001. I recorded music onto an old Zoom MRS-1608, which allowed me to record structured demos at the time. I’ve been able to upgrade my equipment since then, I use the program called Reason, combined with synthesizers and drum pads.

CC: Lets talk about your upcoming album that’s coming out on the 24th, how long did it take you to create this album and does the album have an official name?

GG: The album is called “Numbers” and includes six tracks, each titled after a number. It was a project that I’ve been working on for just over a year. It mostly contains instrumental electronic tracks (besides two songs, which include vocals). I’m excited to be working with Biblioteka Records to release this album.

CC: You have any plans to go on a tour anytime soon for the album release?

GG: I don’t currently have any official tour dates set but I will be performing at Reign Bough Festival on June 28th, 2019. It’s a festival based in Thorhild, Alberta and known as a “spirited outdoor music adventure”.

CC: What’s next for you after the album release and such?

GG: I’ll be heavily promoting the album “Numbers” for the foreseeable future but I’m always writing and creating new music. I encourage readers to follow Golden Grey on social media to stay current on future releases.

CC: When I did the review to your single “One” and said that you are one of the best-kept secrets outside of the US, which I believe you are, why you think the US music listeners are not keeping an eye on you and indie artist outside of the US?

GG: It’s become apparent that music has become so available, and with the overwhelming amount of artists entering the scene each day, it’s difficult to reach listeners outside of the area you’re from. I’m based in Canada, so to extend my music to the ears of those outside of the US becomes a challenge. However, It’s a challenge that I welcome and will hopefully overcome in time.

CC: You have anything you like to say to the readers?

I would like to thank the readers for supporting independent music and blogs. It’s because of you that keeps the creativity flowing, please continue to support everything independent.

CC: If any of the readers would like to follow you and listen to your music, where can they reach you at on social media and where can they pick up your album at?

GG: You can find me on social media at:




You can find the album and more at:


Thank you to Golden Grey for taking his time to do this interview and go give him a follow and check out his music.