More TV to Binge Watch: Bad Guys 2

Yo Ho! WeRCatz here! At the conclusion of Bad Guys on Netflix, I was provided a suggestion by them: Bad Guys 2 (also known in the US as Bad Guys: Vile City). So I watched this spinoff od 16 episodes. There is more detailed political corruption going on than I thought...

TV to Binge On: Bad Guys

Yo Ho! WeRCatz here! To pass the time and watch some Netflix programs, I stumbled on a Korean TV show called Bad Guys. Bad Guys is a thriller with action, some humor, dark moments, police procedures that will question one’s local officers and drama that can...

WrestleMania 36 Review

Ahoy Captain Cats here and today I’m going to give you my thoughts of the two nights of the WWE greatest show of shows in the wrestling world and that is WrestleMania 36. Night One From start to finish the first night was pretty good, with a few misses in...