Ahoy, Nightrider here!

On February 8, Big Mouth released a Valentine’s Day special called My Furry Valentine on Netflix. At the conclusion of this special, Big Mouth will run its third season in the fall.

With a running time of almost 45 minutes, My Furry Valentine is a humorous take on the cliches, social standards, and fallacies of St. Valentine’s Day. As far as middle school is concerned, Valentine’s Day is a mess: one has to buy into the consumerism of Valentine’s just to at least be socially accepted.

Our protagonists plow through the day in their respective ways:

  • Nick is trying to come to terms of his budding sensitivity thanks to his new hormone monster Connie. She wants to make it work but Nick is fighting her because he is getting ridiculed by his friends to not being manly. Nick also wants to be more independent from his overprotective parents.
  • Andrew thinks he can win over Missy with a “cool” hat and being suave about everything. Suave turns to raging jealousy as he sees Missy becoming friendly with Lars; Andrew suspects Lars is faking his being on a wheelchair just to win Missy over.
  • Jessie has had it with love, so she hangs out with Matthew. He shows Jessie how to have a fabulous Valentine’s Day without having to fall into the predictable routine of how one should spend Valentine’s with their special someone. Jessie is still trying to get over her mother’s new lesbian relationship with Cantor Dina.
  • Jay is in his personal sexual heaven with his two “pillowmates.” After kissing Mathew in Season 2, Jay is presently exploring his sexuality to the point where his bliss is becoming a burden in which he must make a serious decision about himself.
  • Steve (formerly Coach Steve) is dealing with his firing from school in his own way: by working at a Walgreen’s. He is not fazed at all with being alone for Valentine’s Day since he comes up with unique ways to pass the day.

Formatted as a mini mockumentary, My Fury Valentine delivers hilarity as well as lessons as to what NOT to do for your special someone on February 14. It also shows a heartwarming moment as to how one expresses love towards another, even if that other person is a hormone monster. After the love has gone, Season 3 will be what’s waiting on the other side.