Recommendations for Anime

Ahoy Captain Cats here and today I’m going to give some recommendations to anime series and films that you can watch while you’re at home. I’m not going to name famous and fan-favorite series because almost everyone who is into anime would have seen...

Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! Review

Ahoy Captain Cats here and today I’m going to review an anime series that is already considered to be an anime of the year contender and that series is Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! The series is based on the manga series of the same name by Sumito Owara and was...

Altered Carbon: Resleeved Review

Ahoy Captain Cats here and today I’m going to tell you what I think about the Altered Carbon side story, Altered Carbon: Resleeved. The film takes place on the planet Latimar and we see Takeshi Kovacs coming back in a new “sleeve” and he saves a...

Anime Release Date News

Ahoy Captain Cats here and today we have some update for some of the best upcoming anime so let us get going. During a live anime special stream, Netflix announces that the second season of Baki will be available worldwide on June 4 of this year. The original voice...