The Uma Musume Pretty Derby franchise has been nothing but a success since its birth in 2016. The most recent entry to this multimedia franchise just ended this past weekend and it was Roead to the Top.
The ONA has a total of 4 episodes and is focused on three horse girls and they are T.M. Opera O, Admire Vega, and Narita Top Road. The series focuses on each of them trying to be the best in Japan and we also see their ups and downs and how it affects them in their personal life as well.
While it is short, the series makes up for this by putting a lot of effort into its story, emotion, and heart. Each character is one of a kind and brings something new to the table in this series. If you have 2 hours to kill, watch this and enjoy it for what it has to offer. You can find Uma Musume Pretty Derby Road to the Top on YouTube on the Uma Musume Pretty Derby official channel.
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