It has been 5 years since Doctor Doom had a series of any kind since the Christopher Cantwell and Salvador Larroca fantastic run with the good Doctor back in 2019 and now we have a one-shot run by Jonathan Hickman and the team of Sanford Greene and Rachelle Rosenberg, which is simply titled Doom. With that it begs the question, does this single issue live up to other classic stories with Doctor Doom at the helm, and the answer to that is, kind of, but not really.

The story is about Doctor Doom, with the help of Valeria Richards, trying to save the universe from Galactus who wants to bring death to it once and for all. The story is ok at best, not the worst doom story I have read but it doesn’t meet that standard. What saves this book is the art, the art looks great and fits the story and saves it as well. The color and artwork do carry this series a long way.
Overall it’s an ok read for being a one-shot story. Yes, it is fast and throws a lot at you but that way of storytelling doesn’t work well when telling a Doctor Doom story, take a look at the 2019 Doctor Doom series and the 1984 Secret Wars.

Overall it is not a bad one-shot, but Hickman did write 2015 Secret Wars, so he doesn’t have any excuse to write a so-so story for Doctor Doom.