In October 2019 the world was introduced to a little black comedy adult animated series called The Hazbin Hotel and the world fell in love with it. Five years later the little hotel will have a grand opening on Amazon.
It was reported that the Hazbin Hotel will be airing on Amazon Prime in January of 2024 with a second season already in production at this moment. The series is created by Vivienne Medrano, better known as “VivziePop” and the series has a spin-off series called Helluva Boss, which is in its
second season to rave reviews in every way. Hazbin Hotel tells the story of Charlie Morningstar, the princess of Hell and she wants to open up a hotel that aims to rehabilitate sinners due to the way overpopulation in Hell and it looks like it’s going to be a crazy bumpy ride. Just to let you all know Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are series that are NOT for kids to watch.
In case you haven’t seen the pilot for the Hazbin Hotel here is a link and once it’s available on Prime we will let you know what we think of it with a review.
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