Ahoy Me Mateys Captain Cats here! Creme Brulee, a dessert which sounds and look beautiful, but can be challenging to make at home. Depending on making either the French or Catalan creme brulee they both use the same ingredients which are:

  • Fresh Cream
  • Sugar or Vanilla sugar (will explain in a bit later)
  • Egg or egg yolks (depending on the recipe )
  • Vanilla Extract ( you can use the store bought or if you know how to make it yourself as I do)
  • Fresh Vanilla Bean ( optional but when I make creme brulee I do)

Like every dessert, there are problems, and for creme brulee, there are three:

  1. There are so many recipes alone just for the basic creme brulee which can be either too bland or too complicated.
  2. It’s one of the very few desserts in the world that you can not substitute the ingredients at all.
  3. The techniques for either hot or cold creme brulee can be stressful and complicated.

There is a much simpler way to make creme brulee at home. It’s a lot less stressful, don’t need to spend a lot of money and you can make it anytime you want! Here is what you need:

  • A package of French Vanilla pudding
  • Milk
  • A ramekin
  • A Vanilla Bean
  • Sugar
  • Small cookie sheet tray with just enough water

Once you have all of this items, this is what you need to do:

  1. Heat up oven to 350 degree.
  2. Get the small cookie sheet tray with just enough water and put it on the side.
  3. Make the French Vanilla pudding with milk.
  4. Cut down the middle of the vanilla bean and scrape the seeds out.
  5. Add the seeds to the pudding mixture and mix them in well.
  6. Add the mixture to the ramekin and fill up to about ⅔ of the ramekin.
  7. Once it’s filled, put the ramekin onto the small cookie sheet tray with water.
  8. Add a right amount of sugar to cover the mixture in the ramekin.
  9. Place it in the oven and wait for about 5 to 10 minutes or until it’s golden brown.
  10. Once the sugar is golden brown take it out, let it rest and pair it with a good cup of coffee, if you want a recommendation I would recommend a Ristretto, Espresso, Caffe Americano or a simple cup of coffee made in a French Press.

There you have it, a simple way to make creme brulee at home whenever you want, and you don’t need to spend so much on it. Also do not throw away the vanilla bean because you can make vanilla sugar with it. Here is how to make it and it’s not very hard at all:

  1. In a small container that has a lid, fill it up with sugar about ⅔ full.
  2. Once you finished scraping out the vanilla seeds out of the bean, add the vanilla bean into the container with the sugar and stuff in as deep as you can until you see a third of the bean.
  3. Close the container and label it ‘vanilla sugar’ and leave it alone for about 2 to 3 days
  4. After the 2 to 3 days pass to open it and the sugar will smell and have a hint of vanilla in its taste. Now you can use it in your other desserts, coffee, or whatever you use sugar for at home.

Hope you make this at home and let us know in the comments below how it came out!