Ahoy Me Mateys Captain Cats here! CD Projekt RED or CDPR for short drop a MASSIVE gameplay video for its upcoming video game Cyberpunk 2077, which is based off of the Cyberpunk pen and paper series created by Mike Pondsmith. You can see the whole thing on the Cyberpunk 2077 official YouTube page, due to its themes and violence you need to sign in to view it.

My thoughts: WOW! They went above and beyond on this, and it is not even close to being finish! I have waited all my life to see Cyberpunk be turned into a video game and seeing the gameplay I can wait for the final product. The reason I’m saying I can wait is that it took them almost five years after they said they were going to make this game and showing what they have done now, I can wait a few more years for this to come out. NO RUSH TAKE YOUR TIME CDPR, PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME!!!!

So what you think about the gameplay video for Cyberpunk 2077? Let us Know!