Ahoy Captain Cats here and today we are looking at the worst of cinema in 2021 and it’s a simple one.

The Hollywood film scene is bloated with way too many sequels, reboots, superheroes, and films that are a waste of time. If Hollywood needs to do something different, then look no further than to Netflix and see what they are doing. Netflix has not only embraced the international film scene, but you can also say they champion it and it shows with so many different international films that nine out of ten international films are hits.

If you want a very good example of this then look at the film scene in South Korea. After Parasite made a statement in 2019, South Korea has been making hits left and right in almost every type of film you can think of, especially in horror and drama. I would love to see what they can do with their take on Friday the 13th or see them do a blockbuster drama.

While there were some great films that Hollywood released, it doesn’t help that they were superhero films and sequels, hopefully, next year they can do better.